Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sidecar Dogs

poster by lorenzo eroticolor for the documentary film of the same name.

Across America, there are dogs of all breeds riding in the open air of motorcycle sidecars, whether on short trips around town or extended adventures on the highway. Sit Stay Ride: The Story of America’s Sidecar Dogs is a delightful and inspiring documentary film about motorcyclists and their beloved canine co-pilots.


  1. A belated Merry Holidays/Newish Year to you Mike! Been one of the Cel-phone lurkers who have been lurking around enjoying the blog...back to a 'real' computer that makes commenting less of a hit or miss. Is this a new movie? I'll have to goggle it...nice bit of artwork on the poster.....and oh yeah...Happy Birthday too!

  2. Thanks, and hope that 2015 is good to you. This video makes me wish I still had the outfit. Our new dog would love it.
