Sunday 20 June 2021

To my surprise, I noticed that it has been a whole year since I last posted anything on here. To be fair, I haven’t had much to write about, I spent much of last year crossing off events one by one as they were cancelled or postponed, sometimes more than once.

I’m currently working from home and, with a few exceptions, haven’t really been anywhere other than the grocery store in that year. The world has been reduced to a much smaller place since the pandemic hit.

You know how you’re always promising yourself that you’ll do loads of stuff when you have the time? Well, it wasn’t time you needed, it seems, but motivation, and that has been sorely lacking of late.

Some new grey grips from Boneyard Garage

On the bike front, I’ve done a few odd jobs on the Triumph, mostly cosmetic things, and fitted a new clutch to the Aprilia. That’s pretty much it.


However, last weekend I dragged the Triumph out of hibernation and set off northwards towards Braemar and Deeside. No great plan, no real destination, just a chance to get out for a bit as it was a pleasant sunny day and I was suffering from cabin fever.

A quick detour to take a look at this old MOD Early-Warning Station which is currently listed for sale - details here

In the end I did around 280 miles and, except for a couple of bits of motorway at each end, the day was spent mostly bimbling along on quiet A and B roads at a leisurely pace.

US Army Jeep spotted in Blairgowrie

The Meikleour Beech Hedge - details here

Challenge accepted

Looking back over Glenshee (Gleann Sith)

And the road goes on forever...

Lunch stop in a forest

One of two old AA Patrol boxes I came across

It was nice to get out for a bit, but it was noticeable how out of condition I was for a trip like this. I was exhausted when I got home. 

Cleaning off the road dust

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